Interra Credit Union Held LaGrange Office Groundbreaking

August 7, 2020 – During this unprecedented time, Interra Credit Union has stayed committed in their pursuit to open the LaGrange office in 2020. An intimate groundbreaking event took place on Wednesday, August 5th at the new office location site of 309 South Poplar Street in LaGrange, Indiana.
Interra serves solely as the credit union provider in LaGrange County with offices currently in Topeka and Shipshewana. “We look forward to expanding our footprint in LaGrange and better serving our 4300 members in the county,” Amy Sink, CEO of Interra Credit Union stated.
Interra will be including a variety of new financial services in the county and deepening their relationship with members. The roughly 3,200 square foot full-service LaGrange office will offer an innovative flex space concept, personal and technology conveniences, local agribusiness, business development and lending services, mortgage lending and appointment-based meetings with wealth management advisors. Additionally, Interra’s online banking and cash management platforms will provide expanded features and functionalities that we believe the community will appreciate. The office will include a lobby, drive-thru, night depository and an ATM.
Interra is working with architectural firm Design Collaborative, Inc., from Fort Wayne, Indiana and longtime partner and contractor DJ Construction, Inc., of Goshen, Indiana for the project. The contractors focus on commercial, industrial, educational, healthcare, church and institutional buildings in our communities. “We make every effort to have Interra members hired as sub-contractors,” shared Joel Richard, Senior Vice President of Member Experience.
Interra, headquartered in Goshen, was charted in 1932 and has assets of $1.2 billion. The credit union’s field of membership spans 18 counties in northern Indiana, with more than 300 full and part-time employees serving nearly 87,000 members. Interra currently operates 15 offices in Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Marshall and Noble counties in Indiana and via a suite of robust electronic services at