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Interra Credit Union Leads First Annual Do Well To Do Good Day™          

October 20, 2020 – As part of Interra Credit Union’s Do Well To Do GoodTM vision, the credit union recently held their first annual staff volunteer day on Monday, October 12th.

Interra’s Do Well To Do GoodTM initiative was created in early 2020 on the basis of further strengthening and uniting communities through acts of good service. “Interra’s vision to Do Well To Do GoodTM aligns perfectly with the credit union philosophy of “people helping people,” Meegan Siegwarth, Vice President of Marketing at Interra Credit Union, stated. “We recognize that when Interra does good, we can then purposefully and intentionally provide leadership and assistance, both financially and through volunteering, to our local communities,” Siegwarth added.

Interra had 239 staff members provide nearly 960 volunteer hours while serving 17 nonprofits in the five counties of Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Marshall and Noble on this day. Staff assisted these nonprofits in a variety of ways including but not limited to; building wheelchair ramps and bunk beds, outside painting and general maintenance repairs and needs, mask making, disinfecting and reorganizing, filling bookbags full of food for children in the community and more. “The gift of time and effort from Interra exemplifies what makes the fair so outstanding,” Kristy Ambrosen, Programming Coordinator for the Elkhart County 4-H Fair stated. “Interra and its employees can take pride in knowing that their efforts have contributed to assure that the Elkhart County 4-H Fair will not only survive but thrive for future generations,” added Ambrosen.

Interra partnered with Acts of Service through the Elkhart County Community Foundation to secure nonprofits in the communities the credit union serves. The credit union worked alongside the following nonprofits: Blue Star Mothers, Boys & Girls Club (Nappanee Club), Boys & Girls Club (Plymouth Club), Bremen Bags, Council of Aging LaGrange County, DeFries Gardens, Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds, Elkhart County Schools (mask making), LaCasa, Lakeland Youth Center, LoveWay, Ox Bow Park, Ryan’s Place, Ruth Stultz Preschool of Ligonier, Silverwood Mennonite Church, Servants At Work, and Sleep In Heavenly Peace.

Interra, headquartered in Goshen, was charted in 1932 and has assets of $1.3 billion. The credit union’s field of membership spans 18 counties in northern Indiana, with more than 300 full and part-time employees serving nearly 87,000 members. Interra currently operates 15 offices in Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Marshall and Noble counties in Indiana. A 16th office is set to open in LaGrange in early 2021. Interra also serves its members with a suite of robust electronic services at